孙珊珊(Sun Shanshan)




2021.07-至今 bat365官网登录 beat365中文官方网站 助理研究员

2017.09-2021.06 bat365官网登录 beat365中文官方网站 工学博士

2015.09-2017.06 中国海洋大学 beat365中文官方网站 工学硕士


1. Shanshan Sun, Lei Gao, Shengbing He*, Jungchen Huang, Weili Zhou. Nitrogen removal in response to plants harvesting in two kinds of enhanced hydroponic root mats treating secondary effluent[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 670:200-209.

2. Shanshan Sun, Jie Liu, Manping Zhang, Shengbing He*. Simultaneous improving nitrogen removal and decreasing greenhouse gas emission with biofilm carriers addition in ecological floating bed[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 292:121944.

3. Shanshan Sun, Jie Liu, Manping Zhang, Shengbing He*. Thiosulfate-driven autotrophic and mixotrophic denitrification processes for secondary effluent treatment: Reducing sulfate production and nitrous oxide emission[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 300:122651.

4. Shanshan Sun, Xushun Gu, Manping Zhang, Li Tang, Shengbing He*, Jungchen Huang. Biological iron nitrogen cycle in ecological floating bed: Nitrogen removal improvement and nitrous oxide emission reduction[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 268 115842.

5. Shanshan Sun, Xushun Gu, Manping Zhang, Li Tang, Shengbing He*. Response mechanism of different electron donors for treating secondary effluent in ecological floating bed[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 125083.

6. Xiang Fei, Shanshan Sun, Shengbing He*, Jungchen Huang, Weili Zhou. Application of a novel two-stage biofiltration system for simulated brackish aquaculture wastewater treatment[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 27(3).

7. Manping Zhang, Jungchen Huang*, Shanshan Sun, Muneeb Ur Rehman, Shengbing He. Depth-specific distribution and significance of nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation process in tidal flow constructed wetlands used for treating river water[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 716.

8. Manping Zhang, Jungchen Huang*, Shanshan Sun, Muneeb Ur Rehman, Shengbing He.Molecular and stable isotopic evidence for anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in tidal flow constructed wetlands[J]. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2020, 149.

9. Manping Zhang, Jungchen Huang*, Shanshan Sun, Muneeb Ur Rehman, Shengbing He, Weili Zhou. Nitrogen removal through collaborative microbial pathways in tidal flow constructed wetlands[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 758:143594.

10. Manping Zhang, Jungchen Huang*, Shanshan Sun, Muneeb Ur Rehman, Shengbing He, Weili Zhou. Impact of functional microbes on nitrogen removal in artificial tidal wetlands in the Yangtze River estuary: Evidence from molecular and stable isotopic analyses[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 287.

11. Manping Zhang, Jungchen Huang*, Shanshan Sun, Muneeb Ur Rehman, Shengbing He, Weili Zhou. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction processes and corresponding nitrogen loss in tidal flow constructed wetlands[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021:126429.

